Evensong Service at Forest Home Cemetery
Join us Sunday, November 3 at 3 p.m. for our Evensong service for all the faithful departed at the Landmark Chapel, Forest Home Cemetery, 2405 W Forest Home Ave in Milwaukee. We’ll offer music led […]
Join us Sunday, November 3 at 3 p.m. for our Evensong service for all the faithful departed at the Landmark Chapel, Forest Home Cemetery, 2405 W Forest Home Ave in Milwaukee. We’ll offer music led […]
As is the tradition at St. Paul’s Church, parishioners are invited to contribute to the Easter flower fund in thanksgiving for personally significant occasions in their life, to honor a living family member or friend, […]
Christmas is coming! Please consider making a generous gift to the parish’s flower fund so we can offer a beautiful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day service that delights the congregation and honors the birth of […]
The St. Paul’s office will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025 for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21. Thank you!
Please let us know if you would like offering envelopes for 2025! Many people do not use them, but many still do, as they like the reminders that are implicit in the envelope system. Let […]
God is Praised by the work of our many volunteers whose labor and skill beautified our worship space to celebrate the Birth of Our Lord: Deep Gratitude to the Dozens Who Made Lessons & Carols […]
Join us this Christmas season in celebrating Jesus’ entry into our world, taking on our nature so we could share in his own. Here’s the schedule of worship services and office availability: May our yearly […]
Christmastime is approaching and the most delicious and festive way to prepare for celebrations is to stock up on cookies for the season. St Paul’s Hospitality team is hosting a homemade bake sale with cookies […]
You are cordially invited to Lessons & Carols at All Saints’ Cathedral, on Sunday, December 4 at 4 pm! Featuring choral music from the Cathedral Choir and artists-in-residence Aperi Animam and Advent hymns and organ […]
“It is right to give our thanks and praise.” Please join us for worship this evening at 5 p.m. as we give thanks to God for all that have and all what we are. The […]
Please join us this Sunday, Nov. 27 at 9 a.m. in the Community Room as Rector Search Chair Pat Luebke offers an encouraging and informative report on the status and timeline of the Rector Search. […]
Canon Joseph Kucharski provided a demonstration of the St. Paul’s organ for over fifty Homestead High School orchestra students and parents on Thursday afternoon, with help from Mr. Lee Erickson, All Saints’ Cathedral organist. The […]
St. Paul’s parishioner Kathy Thome will present a piano recital in the North Cultural Arts Center at St. John’s on the Lake, 1840 N. Prospect Avenue on Saturday, January 14 at 2:00 PM. She will […]
Every member and friend of St. Paul’s is invited to join us for a Stewardship Ingathering and encouraged to return a generous pledge to support St. Paul’s in 2023. If you haven’t received your stewardship […]
After service Sunday November 20th in the Community Room, those who are interested in participating in the growth of community, fostering of fellowship, and inspiration of outreach are invited to attend the Parish Life Committee’s […]
Hello Everyone, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and are having a blessed beginning of the Advent season! It’s time to release the December Adult Formation schedule! It is as follows: December 18: The […]
St. Paul’s is blessed with a skilled and hard-working lay office staff, including bookkeeper Patrice Hansen, sexton Bill Jankowski, organist and choirmaster Joseph Kucharski, and office administrator Cindy Wilmeth. They keep us going year-round. Please […]
Wednesday, 12/14, 3:00, Community Room **please note the updated day and time!The First Christmasby Stephen MitchellISBN-10: 1250790697224 pages
The St. Paul’s office will be closed on Christmas Eve and the Monday after Christmas so our staff can celebrate with their families and friends. Have a very merry Christmas!
At its December 22 meeting, the Vestry accepted the Interim Rector’s proposal to cut back his hours and salary by 20%. The adjustment has no bearing on the fulltime status of the next Rector, but […]
Thanks to all who gave their 2023 pledge intentions on or before Sunday, November 27. And thanks to those who have yet to provide their intentions! Please think and pray on this and provide your […]
Please join us this Sunday, Nov. 13 at 9 a.m. in the Community Room, and come prepared to offer feedback. The Interim Rector will be moderating a discussion of the proposed reunification of the three […]
This year’s Advent booklet from Scott Stoner’s Living Compass, “Living Well through Advent 2022,” is available for pickup in the information kiosk. Pick up yours today!
A joint statement from the Very Rev. Kevin Carroll, Dean of All Saints’ Cathedral, and the Rev. Lane Hensley, Interim Rector of St. Paul’s The Episcopal Church in Downtown Milwaukee cordially invites the People of […]
The Saturday Codependents Anonymous group is sponsoring an open CoDA Meeting, Saturday, November 12, 2022 at St. Paul’s in the Community Room. Doors open at 8:40 a.m., and meeting and speakers begin at 9 a.m. […]
Dear St. Paul’s parishioners, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you all for the amazing support you have provided me during these past 6 + months since my breast cancer treatment began. Your […]
The Holidays are fast approaching, and Interchange is asking for our help to provide our guests with a holiday dinner. The Pantry’s goal is to provide 1000 families with the traditional holiday meal with a […]
Join us Monday night for a spooky but kid-friendly open house at St. Paul’s! Joseph and Ted have arranged for an undead delightful spectre organist to crank the organ with creepy tunes, Lane is bringing […]
November 6: Philosophy and DemocracyBoth Western philosophy and democracy originated in Ancient Greece. Thus, philosophers throughout the ages have had their critiques of democracy, as well as arguments in support of it. This presentation will […]
Do you have too many plastic bags? Do you want to get rid of usefully? Bring them to St. Paul’s and put them in the marked box in the back hall. They will be taken […]
All Saints’ Sunday is November 6 this year, and we’ll be remembering together all the saints in our own lives who’ve died in the sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life. We’re going […]
Last Sunday’s presentation, Faith in the Midst of Depression, was postponed to this Sunday, October 23 in response to an accidental scheduling conflict with the Interim Rector Forum. Religion and mental health have a complex […]
St. Paul’s is grieved to announce that Thomas Merrill Read, a longtime member of St. Paul’s and the brother of Ross Read, died at his home Saturday. He was 65. His obituary is published in […]
As I mentioned on Sunday, the date of Lessons & Carols is not yet firm, because I’m aware that St. Paul’s traditionally hosts a reception following the event, and that the reception is a parish […]
Life at St. Paul’s has largely — but not completely — returned to normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the remaining casualties of pandemic has been the administration of the Blood of […]
One of the defining characteristics of worship in the Episcopal Church is the Book of Common Prayer, and the first edition was published in 1549! The book defines our rites and observances, providing a mode […]
Many of us are accustomed to the steady presence and leadership of our acolyte, Todd Smith. For many years, Todd has been a teacher and mentor for young people who have learned how to serve […]
Shortly after noon last Wednesday, the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for Milwaukee, meaning that a tornado had spotted, and residents were urged to take cover. The message many of us received on […]
The St. Paul’s Outreach Committee has resolved to make a leading gift of $2,000 in support of Episcopal Relief and Development after Hurricane Ian destroyed much of central Florida. After announcing in church on Oct. […]
Remember Whack-A-Mole? The amusement park game where you earn points for hammering moles back into their holes before they can hide from your rubber mallet? As fast as you can knock one down, another pops […]
Dear friends in Christ: We are in an exciting moment as Episcopalians in Wisconsin. We hope you have heard something about the Trialogue, conversations taking place among Episcopalians across the state about the future shape of […]
Adult Forum returns this month with some exciting new programming! October 2: A History of Latinos in MilwaukeeIn honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we will be examining the history of Latinos in Milwaukee. Since the […]
Following a meeting with parishioners, the Interim Rector announced that wine will return to Holy Communion at St. Paul’s in the coming weeks. Parishioners identified restoration of the Blood of Christ as a major concern, […]
Since it was established by St. Paul’s in 1850, Forest Home’s history reflects the historical changes of Milwaukee and its surrounding communities. It is the final resting place to beer barons, industrialists, mayors, governors, senators, […]
Please join us for Choral Evensong this Sunday, October 2 at 3:30 pm, let by the St. Paul’s Choir, Canon Joseph Kucharski, and Associate Organist Tedd King. The service will feature music by Herbert Howells […]
St Paul’s Common Ground Supporters. Please join us for our Fall Assembly!Sunday October 23rd 3 to 5:30 pm in person or by ZoomMetropolitan Missionary Baptist Church,1345 Burleigh St, Milwaukee Our goal is to have 500+ […]
Wonderful article in the Journal this week, front page, about Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative. In case you missed it, click here. This is one of Common Ground’s biggest accomplishments, successfully setting up a Healthcare Coop. […]
Fall is with us, and soon, Jack Frost will be nipping at our noses. So we’re moving Coffee Hour back into the Great Hall for the season. Please join us for coffee and conversation after […]
This year the Diocese of Milwaukee’s Haiti Partnership celebrates its 40th birthday! We have some exciting news to share with you about that, and where we’re headed from here. We want to tell you about […]
Good morning loyal subjects!!! Well, guess what time of the year it is again? Feels like we just thanked the last departing visitor from Doors Open 2021!!! Once again St. Paul’s will be participating in […]
While Father Lane is enjoying some well-deserved time away, we are pleased to welcome the Rev. Drs. Jim and Mary Trainor as our celebrant and preacher for the next two weeks! The Rev. Drs. Jim […]
Several of our parishioners live in Sherman Park and last week, two of them, Cathy and David Simpson, were present at Washington High School for the groundbreaking of the new athletic field. Common Ground started […]
After a long summer hiatus, Adult Formation is back! This year, Adult Formation will be a biweekly program, meaning there will be lectures on the first and third week of every month, with alternate programs […]
St. Paul’s Library in the Community Room welcomes you to browse and borrow. Soon Advent books will be front and center. We have a good collection of works on church history, theology, biography, liturgy, prayer […]
Starting Sunday September 11, St. Paul’s will begin live-streaming services on YouTube, as well as continue to live-stream on Facebook. If you wish to view the Sunday services on YouTube, visit our website at https://www.stpaulsmilwaukee.org, […]
Our sister congregation, MIX Church, conducts Sunday worship at the Lincoln Center of the Arts across the street from St. Paul’s, and has generously welcomed our congregants to park in their lot for the last […]
Yow. It’s time. It’s way past time. And all of us know that there are certain places that one just shouldn’t sit. But that will change this fall. It’s time to have the pew cushions […]
The Interim Rector will be taking some needed time away in the coming days. He’s taken time off from St. Paul’s before, but as the senior warden corrected noted, except for sneaking an extra day […]
As you know, we’ve engaged Cindy Wilmeth as our new Office Administrator, and she’s been a big hit at St. Paul’s! What you may not know is that she does the same work for our […]
Curious to get involved in Sunday morning ministries, but don’t want to get thrown into the deep end? Maybe the answer is to try out a ministry by shadowing an expert! We can schedule you […]
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church believes in prayer. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church respects the privacy of those for whom we pray. If you want to pray with the clergy, please call 414-214-0625. It will be our […]
Missing something? Glasses and glasses cases can be found in the parish office. If you recognize any of these as yours, please let us know so we can arrange a tearful reunion!
St. Paul’s own Calvin Sampson and Junior Warden Kurt Bushman were married Saturday, Aug. 6 at St. Paul’s. The church was packed and very very warm, but the energy in the room was high as […]
The Interim Rector baptized Henry George Pruitt and Penelope Chapman (“Poppy”) Read, grandchildren of Ross and Mary Read, Thursday, Aug. 11 at Nashotah House. Elder grandchild Charlie Read assisted by pouring the water into the […]
Want a change of pace and earlier service this weekend? This Sunday, August 14, the Interim Rector will be preaching and celebrating at the 9 a.m. Eucharist at All Saints’ Cathedral as cathedral dean Kevin […]
2022 Diocesan Convention The 175th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee is scheduled to be held on Friday, October 7 (evening) and Saturday, October 8, 2022. Get ready to feel inspired to keep loving […]
Have you noticed the new gardens around St Paul’s? Rand Schmidt and Steve Sanders, gardeners extraordinaire, along with Paul Haubrich have designed and installed new plantings. Now we pray for rain to water them in! […]
Outreach Committee chair Sandra Halgerson has asked that we post this flyer to the website regarding an Interchange Food Pantry Food Drive Sundays, August 14 and 21. [Click here to download.]
The St. Paul’s office will be closed on Labor Day. We’re grateful for our nation’s workforce, and we’ll see you Tuesday morning.
Guest House of Milwaukee serves more than 80 men at our homeless shelter and hundreds throughout the community experiencing homelessness, housing instability and food insecurity. The mission of Guest House is to provide shelter, housing, […]
The Vestry is grateful that Anne H Vogel has provided a gift to St. Paul’s, in honor of Canon Joseph Kucharski, Director of Music and Liturgy. The funds are to be used as Canon Joseph […]
The next Interim Rector Forum will be held at 9 a.m., this Sunday, July 31 in the Great Hall, and everyone is encouraged to participate. The topic will be our ongoing conversation with All Saints’ […]
The next Interim Rector Forum will be held at 9 a.m., Sunday, July 31 in the Great Hall, and everyone is encouraged to participate. The topic will be our ongoing conversation with All Saints’ Cathedral, […]
In many churches, summer is a time when the life of the congregation slows down. Not so at All Saints’. Right now, preparations for the Great Hunger Book Sale are in full swing. The Holy […]
As part of our continuing effort to collaborate with All Saints’ Cathedral and share resources to the benefit of both congregations, we are pleased to welcome Cindy Wilmeth, office administrator at All Saints’, who started […]
Eastside Senior Services’ demand for services is at an all-time high and we are in great need of volunteers to provide rides to community members 60 and older to medical appointments, grocery store trips, and […]
Dear parish clergy and lay leaders, The 80th General Convention has just concluded its work in Baltimore: an extraordinary effort made possible by deputies, bishops, volunteers, and staff. While a shortened and smaller convention was […]
People sometimes ask other people to ask me why I use so much clipart on our website. The answer may surprise you! It turns out that I don’t have very many photos of the things […]
Many thanks to Jon Rauser, Mal Soward-Gatford, and others for their generous gifts to replace our faded and stained flags. The new flags have been placed in the church, and represent us well as Americans, […]
The highest earthly authority in the Episcopal Church is the General Convention, which meets every three years, normally in July and August. Last year should have been the year, but COVID-19 had other plans. So […]
The City of Milwaukee has notified us that a major paving project will close E Knapp St from N Van Buren to N Prospect on Wednesday and Thursday, July 20 and 21. Side streets will […]
Not going to lie to you, our membership database isn’t in good shape. And we want to get it right and release the long-awaited updated parish directory. So we’re going to ask you to take […]
This Vestry Report includes updates from the May This Vestry Report report includes updates from the May 17th and June 21st meetings. The May meeting included a review of the updated Vestry committee organizational chart. […]
Welcome to the next edition of “Endowment 101”. So far we have reviewed St. Paul’s Unrestricted, Undesignated Outreach Endowment Fund and three other funds that specifically support the physical existence and upkeep of our beloved […]
Ever felt called to work with an MPS student one on one and see them progress in reading ability over the school year? Common Ground is rolling out a new program that offers you this […]
Clergy, Vestry, and Search Committee members gathered with the All Saints’ Cathedral Dean and “Chapter” (the same thing as a Vestry, but for a Cathedral) at the home of Dean Kevin Carroll last Sunday, June […]
Fiber internet service has arrived at St. Paul’s, thanks to Spectrum Enterprise and Trawicki Electric. Almost the entire occupied space within the church now has WiFi access, and we now are in the process of […]
Susan Loris, executive vice president of institutional advancement for the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, and wife of St Paul’s artist-in-residence J. Mark Baker, will be Saturday, June 18 at 11 a.m. Members of the parish are […]
St Paul’s annual Diversity Celebration will take place on Sunday June 26 starting at 9 AM. All are welcome to join as we celebrate the richness of our heritage and diversity at St. Paul’s Church. […]
The Diversity Committee would like to give a round of applause and heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended Diversity Sunday on June 26. Thanks to everyone who contributed in many different ways to make our […]
The DeKoven Center in Racine is offering its annual Summer Quiet Retreat July 11-14, 2022 for those who appreciate the Christian tradition of deep, private, silent prayer. The retreat will be led by the Rev. […]
Workers completed the arduous task of installing an underground fiber optic cable that ultimately will carry all our internet traffic and our telephone service. The fiber service replaces two DSL lines that fail constantly, resulting […]
They’ve been on the table behind the presider’s chair in the church for 2-3 weeks. If you’re missing a pair, they’re waiting for you!
Interested in becoming a lector and reading scripture in Sunday worship, or just want to brush up on your skills? Howard Hutchinson is offering a Reader’s Worship on Saturday, June 25 from 11-noon at All […]
Tuesday May 31st, we had a significant action related to our Reckless Driving campaign. We held a press conference at City Hall with Mayor Johnson and announced our campaign to ask 3 major insurance companies to fund […]
This Sunday, May 5 is Pentecost Day, when we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit to empower the apostles and all of us for ministry. Acts 2:3 tells us that the Holy Spirit arrived […]
The Search Committee held three meetings in May to obtain additional feedback from members of the congregation regarding their experiences at St. Paul’s and the characteristics they feel are important to consider in our search for a […]
The people of St. Thomas of Canterbury, 7255 W. Grange Ave. in Greendale, invite your prayers and presence at the Celebration of New Ministry on Saturday, June 4, at 3 pm, at the parish. The […]
The weather forecast is for a cold and rainy morning on Pentecost Day, Sunday, June 5. With sadness, we are cancelling Coffee Hour for that day. Better luck on Trinity Sunday!
© 2023, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin