by Seth Raymond in Featured
One of the most fascinating Civil Rights leaders is Pauli Murray, someone who faced discrimination due to both her race and her gender. Through her interviews, we can learn more about her fascinating life, as […]
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped make sack lunches for The Gathering! Our next sandwich making date is Friday, February 28 at 3 pm. Sandwich making will continue on the fourth Friday […]
Please join us for Choral Evensong on Sunday, March 2 at 2:30 pm, let by the St. Paul’s Choir, Canon Joseph Kucharski, and Associate Organist Tedd King. The prelude music begins at 2:30 pm, and […]
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. You are invited to observe the beginning of this season of repentance and renewal by attending one of three services. All will include imposition of ashes. 7:30am in […]
St. Paul’s members and friends are invited to St. John’s on the Lake for guided readings and discussions of classical and contemporary poets, from Dante, John Donne and George Herbert to Seamus Heaney, Rowan Williams, […]
Every 2nd Saturday of the month we are scheduled to serve in-person lunches from 10 am to 1 pm at the Gathering’s site which is located at Ascension Lutheran Church, 1236 S. Layton Boulevard. Our […]
A few folks teamed up to transform a corner of our Sanctuary into a little sanctuary for young ones on Sunday mornings! This space has a little rocker and big rocker, foam flooring, books, and […]
Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors at Jewish Family Services, we are happy to be able to offer additional Sunday morning parking options in the Jewish Family Services parking lot (1300 N Jackson Street, […]
It’s easy to get your news and information published to the parish. Here’s how to do it: The primary news vehicle now is the website, which in turn provides the content for weekly email updates […]
community room
Choir room
Choir room
4th Friday of the month. Sandwich making, kitchen
© 2023, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin