Adult Forum to Return

shallow focus photography of man facing backward
Photo by Jopwell on

Adult Forum returns this month with some exciting new programming!

October 2: A History of Latinos in Milwaukee
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we will be examining the history of Latinos in Milwaukee. Since the primeros arrived in the 1920s, Latinos have called Milwaukee home. They have contributed not only to Milwaukee’s businesses, but to its vibrant culture as well. Join us as we examine their history, as well as the impact they continue to have on Milwaukee.

October 16: Faith in the Midst of Depression
Religion and mental health have a complex relationship. Some people with mental illness find comfort in religion, whereas others abandon their faith due to a lack of support from their religious community. This presentation will explore the issues many with mental illness face, as well as how faith communities can foster greater support and acceptance.

We hope you join us! For more information, contact Dana Fritz at