Canon Joseph Kucharski

 Associate Organist

Tedd King graduated from Northern Illinois University (NIU) earning Master Degrees in Music and Computer Science. Tedd began organ studies with William Voltmer, Organist and Choirmaster at First Lutheran Church in DeKalb, IL. He continued studies in organ with Dr. Robert Reeves at NIU and Oscar Peter at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria. After completing degrees in Music at NIU, Tedd served as organist and choirmaster at First Lutheran Church in DeKalb. Mr. King extended his postgraduate education by pursuing degrees in Computer Science at NIU. After completing the Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Tedd took a position with the Kimberly-Clark Corporation in Neenah, WI. In 1989, Tedd moved to Milwaukee to work for M&I Data Services, now known as the FIS, as an Information Technology Architect Specialist. Along with his position at FIS, Tedd served as organist and choirmaster at St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, WI, accompanist for the St. Cecilia choir at St. Paul’s Milwaukee, and sub-organist of the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Episcopal, Milwaukee. In addition to serving as assistant organist at St. Paul’s, Tedd works part time at Wild Birds Unlimited in Delafield and participates in piano master classes with Dr. James McKeever, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside.