Outreach Committee Supports Episcopal Relief and Development

The St. Paul’s Outreach Committee has resolved to make a leading gift of $2,000 in support of Episcopal Relief and Development after Hurricane Ian destroyed much of central Florida. After announcing in church on Oct. 2 that Becky and I also had made a donation and asked members of the parish to do the same, I learned that the Rev. Bill Van Oss, a seminary colleague, and his wife Sue experienced the likely total loss of their home and heavy damage to their church building, St. Michael’s on Sanibel Island, and a group of Bill and Sue’s friends are assisting them personally after they took refuge with friends in Fort Myers.

Episcopal Relief and Development offers not only immediate disaster relief, but long-term rebuilding of communities and lives. Their work extends around the world, and your generosity to ERD changes and saves lives. I encourage you to learn about ERD and offer what you can to help Episcopal Relief and Development, and offer thanks to Sandra Halgerson and the Outreach Committee for their compassion and care.

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