Unsung Heroes
Who’s your unsung hero? Which person at St. Paul’s has shown God’s love, power, and compassion to you by their own love, care, sacrifice, thoughtfulness, or kindness? This Sunday at the Annual Meeting, we’ll open […]
Who’s your unsung hero? Which person at St. Paul’s has shown God’s love, power, and compassion to you by their own love, care, sacrifice, thoughtfulness, or kindness? This Sunday at the Annual Meeting, we’ll open […]
Choir Choral services with the full choir were conducted from January 9 thru June 5th. A special annual gift from Anne Vogel honoring our Director of Liturgy and Music provided funding for 4 choral scholars […]
The Altar Guild is alive and well, faithfully and carefully preparing for Holy Eucharist at every Sunday service. Our challenge this year was to add serving wine each Sunday beginning Advent 1 — something we […]
Generally speaking, an acolyte ministers to the celebrant and the Congregation — merely as what’s expected. However, this year we expanded by resuming duties that had been streamlined due to Covid austerity. Processions returned, as […]
As we still struggled through the lingering effects of COVID and its variants, another problem raised its ugly head – high inflation – a great burden on the most vulnerable in our society. Again, the […]
Common Ground started in 2008, and St Paul’s joined that year thanks to Jim Gramentine’s leadership. Our parish has been a strong supporter of this organization’s work in Milwaukee and the communities surrounding us. Last […]
St Paul’s Parish Life Committee has reformed and begun stirring waters again. Since being officially regrouped with new chairs, Nicole Hanlon & Michael Nelson, the Parish Life Committee has assisted with three events spearheaded by different individuals […]
In 2022, the Diversity Committee held events in February and June. This included: -Flo Dukes and Eric Dawson
This year in Adult Forum has been exciting and life-affirming. Programming has included topics such as the historical context for the Passion narratives, the life and times of Thomas More, the arguments surrounding abortion, and […]
In May, we completed the 2021-2022 term, celebrating Kathie Buescher’s graduation from the program. Our current term almost began with just under the minimum number of participants in August. But within a few weeks of […]
The Communications Committee held its first meeting in September, 2022. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and make decisions regarding internal and external communication strategy, including the technical equipment, digital, media and print presence, and […]
The responsibilities of the Finance Committee are managing the assets of the parish, preparing the annual budget for review and approval by the Vestry, providing current financial information for the Vestry and coordinating the annual […]
Under Father Lane’s leadership, we were finally able to resurrect the Personnel Committee, which had not met for several years. Our major accomplishment for 2022 was the refinement and development of the job positions and […]
Lent is a time for reverence and devotion with a focus specifically on prayer, fasting, and giving. We will be renewing and refocusing our preparation for Easter each week, Wednesday evenings, in Lent by gathering […]
I started working as the part-time Parish Office administrator at St. Paul’s in August of 2022; I had been working as the part-time Parish Office administrator at our neighbor, All Saints’ Cathedral, since June of […]
Mary Walker writes, “Pat [Ruttum] is a familiar figure for all she does at St. Paul’s. She has also been God’s messenger in my life for all the times she’s driven downtown and driven me […]
Jesus and the Disinheritedby Howard Thurman Famously known as the text that Martin Luther King Jr. sought inspiration from in the days leading up to the Montgomery bus boycott, Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited […]
The Search Committee has been meeting regularly and making steady progress on our search. The committee thoughtfully considered the group of candidates, reviewed their application materials and conducted Zoom interviews with those who moved forward […]
The 184th Annual Parish Meeting of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Milwaukee will begin in the Great Hall immediately after the 10 a.m. Eucharist on Sunday, January 29, 2022, and will include a potluck lunch. Please […]
The Parish Life Co-Chairs welcome committee members, interested congregants, and anyone who wishes to be involved in conversations about internal and external Fellowship at St Paul’s to a round table meeting! The gathering will occur […]
The St. Paul’s Nominating Committee announces the following nominations to be voted on at the Sunday, January 29 Annual Meeting. Nominations for Vestry Senior Warden: Junior Warden: Vestry Member: Because the Vestry nomination process took […]
While Father Lane is enjoying some well-deserved time away, we are pleased to welcome back the Rev. Drs. Jim and Mary Trainor as our celebrant and preacher for this Sunday, January 8! They last joined […]
2022 brought a whole lotta’ changes, many of them thanks to our industrious transition Rector, Lane. One is a new phone system that I hope is helping you communicate better with the finance office. St. […]
Skrauss, or The Skrauss, when filling out forms, received his name from his shipmates in the Navy. He had prayed for a new name ten years earlier in fifth grade, Decorah Elementary, West Bend Wisconsin. […]
The church office will be closed and staff will be off on Monday, April 10. We wish everyone a joyful Easter season! Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, April 11.
Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that our neighbor congregation MIX, which meets on Sunday mornings at the Lincoln Center of the Arts across the street from St. Paul’s, has […]
© 2023, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin