Tuesday Pause and Pray Noon Service Cancelled – January 9, 2024
Please note, the Tuesday Pause and Pray noon service is cancelled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 due to inclement weather. Stay safe and we’ll see you next week!
Please note, the Tuesday Pause and Pray noon service is cancelled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 due to inclement weather. Stay safe and we’ll see you next week!
Hello Everyone, September is here already, which means Education for Ministry (EfM) is set to resume soon! EfM is a four year program which covers the Old Testament (first year), the New Testament (second year), […]
The St. Paul’s offices will be closed for New Year’s Day on Wednesday, January 1. We look forward to seeing you when we are back in the office on Thursday, January 2! For pastoral emergencies, […]
The Thrift Shop is on winter break and will return beginning Saturday, March 8!
Please let us know if you would like offering envelopes for 2025! Many people do not use them, but many still do, as they like the reminders that are implicit in the envelope system. Let […]
Would you like a copy of the church photo directory emailed to you? Contact Cindy in the office for a PDF copy: cindy@stpaulsmilwaukee.org
Cindy will be out of the office Monday, July 15 & Tuesday, July 16. Regular office hours will resume on Wednesday, July 17! For pastoral emergencies, please contact Pr. Seth directly.
A very generous parishioner has agreed to donate flowers for some upcoming summer services. Here is an opportunity for you also to beautify our worship space. Would you like to go to a farmer’s market, […]
Dear St. Paul’s, From 2013 to 2021 St. Paul’s was blessed by the ministry of The Rev. Sheila Scott. Dcn. Sheila provided St. Paul’s with much needed care in times between priests, was a fierce […]
The St. Paul’s office will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the July 4 holiday. The St. Paul’s Thrift Shop will be closed on Saturday, July 1 and Tuesday, July 4. We […]
Sunday June 18th the Rev. Dr. Michael Cover will be our guest preacher and celebrant. Many know Dr. Cover from his previous visits to St. Paul’s. Dr. Cover is the Henri du Lubac Chair of Theology […]
Join us on Friday, June 23 at 4 pm in the St. Paul’s kitchen and Community Room as we make sack lunches for the Gathering! For more information or to sign up, please contact John […]
The Thrift Shop at St. Paul’s has re-opened after a COVID induced hiatus! The Thrift Shop has been a part of St. Paul’s outreach efforts since the 1950s. All revenue beyond expenses is used to […]
After a 2+ year hiatus, the St. Paul’s Thrift Store is ready to re-open Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. After our opening date, shop hours will be every Tuesday 10:00 am […]
Beginning May 28, Saint Paul’s will begin video-streaming its service only to YouTube. You can access Saint Paul’s video streams by going to the SP web site, clicking on the “Videos” link, then going to […]
Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors at Jewish Family Services, we are happy to be able to offer additional Sunday morning parking options in the Jewish Family Services parking lot (1300 N Jackson Street, […]
Date: Friday, April 28th Time: 9:00 am to Noon Place: Community Room St. Paul’s has hundreds of pictures taken during the 1960s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. Most of them are not labeled or have any type […]
The Milwaukee Area Youth Collab is scheduled to meet on Sunday, April 23rd, 5-7pm at Trinity Wauwatosa for a Camp Night! We plan to have a pizza dinner, social time and games, and we’re excited […]
This year’s Advent booklet from Scott Stoner’s Living Compass, “Living Well through Advent 2022,” is available for pickup in the information kiosk. Pick up yours today!
The church office will be closed and staff will be off on Monday, April 10. We wish everyone a joyful Easter season! Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, April 11.
Curious to get involved in Sunday morning ministries, but don’t want to get thrown into the deep end? Maybe the answer is to try out a ministry by shadowing an expert! We can schedule you […]
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church believes in prayer. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church respects the privacy of those for whom we pray. If you want to pray with the clergy, please call 414-214-0625. It will be our […]
People sometimes ask other people to ask me why I use so much clipart on our website. The answer may surprise you! It turns out that I don’t have very many photos of the things […]
Make sure you reserve the space you need by confirming the space’s availability with Lynne Fields, and making arrangements to ensure that you can get into the building and that the building is secured when […]
Con artists always are eager to take advantage of generous people. Fraud tactics to watch out for: Gift cards: No one from the church, and no member of your family EVER will approach you by […]
You can enter the church building on Sunday mornings between 8:30 a.m. and noon using the red door in the southeast corner of the parking lot. The code is 1883* (don’t forget the *, not […]
Dear Friends, During Deacon Sheila’s time at St. Paul’s, she maintained the parish prayer list, which is published weekly in the bulletin insert. Sheila’s departure requires that we switch to a new system, and while […]
Last Sunday, a purse thief struck at St. Paul’s, and the purse has not been recovered. It’s a hazard of being a welcoming place in a busy city. Don’t let this happen to you. Please […]
If you’ve wondered where the money St. Paul’s spends on outreach actually goes, or how the decisions are made, you can find out Monday night, Dec. 20 at 7:30 p.m. on Zoom. The Outreach Committee […]
It’s not (yet!) too late to make year-end gifts so you can take the deduction this year. For some, it may be advantageous to pre-pay your pledge for next year so you can take the […]
Haven’t made your 2022 pledge yet? Now you can pledge online with ease! It’s safe, simple, and supports the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s! While you’re at it, why not automate the payment of […]
It’s easy to get your news and information published to the parish. Here’s how to do it: The primary news vehicle now is the website, which in turn provides the content for weekly email updates […]
You may notice each week that various lay people help make St Paul’s a hospitable and engaging place to worship. A lay person is someone who is not ordained to ministry, but is no less […]
The season of email fraud seems to be well underway, and scammers prey on the generosity and kindness of church members. But you can protect yourself by remembering some simple rules of thumb: I NEVER […]
Don’t you hate when someone’s phone rings in church? Don’t you hate what it’s your phone? Did you know you can set your phone to silence itself automatically during church? It’s easy! On an iPhone, […]
© 2023, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin