Common Ground Supporters
We found out this week that HUD regional director Diane Shelley will be attending our upcoming meeting this Monday the 28th. Please come or join us on zoom. We need your presence and your support by showing up either way.
GOING PUBLIC about the Housing Authority’s Rent Mismanagement
Join 300+ Common Ground & HACM Resident Leaders to hear from residents & to call on HUD to audit HACM-Housing Authority of City of Milwaukee
Monday, August 28 | 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church
1345 W Burleigh St., Milwaukee
We encourage you to come in person!
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdO-opjsrGd1r1juRWwSlmtajzD4ZrgdN#/registration
Questions? Call or email Pat Ruttum!