Do We Have Your Current Photo?

Chances are we don’t. And as a recent newcomer myself who’s terrible at remembering names, I can tell you that a current photo directory is really helpful! You can help by sending us your favorite portrait or even just a suitable selfie. Individual photos are strongly preferred over group/family photos, and the photo quality doesn’t need to be excellent as long as we can see and make our your face.

Send your favorite pic of yourself and of members of your household to Lynne Fields or Lane Hensley by email. If you don’t have a digital photo, bring it to the parish office or give it to the clergy on Sunday morning, making sure that you’ve put it in an envelope that’s clearly labeled with your name. If you have no photo at all, ask the Interim Rector to take a quick pic of you after church. It’s fast and easy! Remember, I’m terrible at remembering names, so the odds that I won’t recognize who’s in what photo are very high. If you are asking the Interim Rector to take your photo, please write down your name so he can figure it out later. Once we have enough photos, we’ll have a helpful addition to our parish directory, and that, in turn, will be of great use to newcomers, including our next Rector.