The 183rd Annual Parish Meeting

Welcome to the 183rd Annual Parish Meeting of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Milwaukee. The meeting will begin at noon on Sunday, January 30, 2022, and you can join us by clicking here.

All reports are (or soon will be) published here. It’s not necessary to print the reports ahead of the meeting, though you are welcome to. In particular, the Treasurer’s report will include screen images that you’ll see online in real time as the report is being presented.


  1. Call to Order and Prayer
  2. Certification of Quorum
  3. Appointment of Clerk of the Meeting
  4. Approval of Minutes of the 182nd Annual Meeting, Jan. 31, 2021
  5. Rector’s Reflection
  6. Reports
    • Financials
    • Senior Warden
  7. Recognitions
  8. Elections
    • Wardens and Vestry Members
    • Delegates and Alternates to Diocesan Convention
    • Nominating Committee
  9. Commissioning of Vestry and Officers,
    Delegates and Alternates to the Diocesan Convention,
    and Nominating Committee
  10. Announcements and Other Reports
  11. Other Business
  12. Prayer and Adjournment

The Nominating Committee is pleased to offer these candidates for election to the Vestry:

  • Sr. Warden (1 year, renewable once): Lee Coppernoll
  • Jr. Warden (1 year, renewable once): Kurt Bushman
  • Vestry Member (3 years, renewable once): Lee Matz
  • Vestry Member (3 years, renewable once): Michael Nelson
  • Vestry Member (2 years to complete the unexpired term of Kurt Bushman, eligible for 2 additional 3-year terms): Julie Okoro

Congratulations to the nominees, and much gratitude to senior warden Tom Goode, former treasurer Janet Tallberg, Sandra Halgerson, and Eric Dawson who are completing their Vestry service.