The responsibilities of the Finance Committee are managing the assets of the parish, preparing the annual budget for review and approval by the Vestry, providing current financial information for the Vestry at each meeting and coordinating the annual audit.
The Endowment Fund is currently managed by an outside Investment Advisor and by Trustees of Funds and Endowments, Inc. (The Combined Fund).
Quarterly reports on the investment performance are reviewed and presented to the Vestry. The Committee meets with our investment managers annually to review the portfolio performance.
The Finance Committee met in early December to prepare a budget for presentation to the Vestry at its December meeting for review, revision and adoption.
The parish Treasurer presents the budget to the parish at the Annual Meeting in January.
Financial statements for 2021 and the 2022 Budget will be distributed at the Annual meeting and are considered a part of this report. Members of the Finance Committee include: the Rector, the Wardens (Thomas Goode, Peter Larson and Lee Coppernoll), Margaret Schumacher, Suzy Brennan, Paul Haubrich, Greg Kostka, & Gerry Mainman. We invite anyone who might be interested in serving with this group to let Margaret know. We thank Janet Tallberg and Jennifer Williams for their long service on the committee.