February Adult Formation Schedule

man and woman sitting on chair
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

This month’s programming is as follows:

February 6: Spirituals and Their Impact on American Culture

Spirituals were often sung by slaves while toiling in the fields. Some spirituals concerned famous Biblical stories such as the Exodus, and many dealt with freedom from oppression. Join us as we discuss the origin and importance of spirituals in American culture

February 13: Absalom Jones

Born into slavery, Absalom Jones bought his wife and children’s freedom before being granted freedom himself. He later became a minister in Pennsylvania, and co-founded the Free African Society. This presentation will explore the life and times of Absalom Jones, as well as his enduring importance today. 

February 20: Rector’s Forum

Father Lane will be joining the Adult Formation gathering for freeform conversation of topics in the parish. The topics will be based on input from the gathered group, and they are likely to evolve over time.

February 27: Healthcare Inequality Across Racial Lines

Healthcare can be inaccessible to racial minority groups, such as blacks. Some blacks are unable to afford good insurance, meaning they often go to hospitals of lower quality than those frequented by whites. This has led to issues such as less preventative care as well higher infant mortality rates. With some creativity though, we can propose and implement changes which will increase healthcare access to all.

For the foreseeable future, Adult Forum will be on Zoom. It will begin on Sunday at 8:15 AM and end by 9:15. Link is below:

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Topic: Dana Fritz’s Personal Meeting Room

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