A-V Team 2021 Annual Report

photo of person typing on computer keyboard
Photo by Soumil Kumar on Pexels.com

Continuing the work of Chuck and Ruth Werth and Ken Bernoska’s innovations that ensured we had online worship opportunities when Covid appeared in 2020, Lee Coppernoll organized the “A-V Club” this summer. The team now includes Ken Bernoska, Peter Larson, Steve Filmanowicz, Kurt Bushman and Terry Zimmer.

The team is responsible for live-streaming our services on Facebook each Sunday, as well as for streaming Adult Formation and midweek prayer each week. Having acquired several basic pieces of equipment this year, the team is also working with vendors for improvements to our sound system and expansion of our streaming capabilities. We are always looking for new people who are willing to contribute their knowledge and talent. Contact a member of the team if you are willing to help.