Following on the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, the news that we have a COVID-positive parishioner, new county statistics indicating a rise in COVID cases over the last two weeks, and concerns about what holiday travel may bring with respect to increased infection rates, the Interim Rector has consulted the Opening Team about the most prudent response from the parish. We also weighed these concerns against the fact that our entire choir and clergy team are vaccinated, as are most of our parishioners. Here’s our plan as we get closer to Christmas:
- We are leaving St. Paul’s at “Condition YELLOW” for now, and continuing to monitor county statistics.
- Parishioners are reminded of the need to maintain social distancing, with a particular reminder not to congregate closely in the center aisle of the church after worship.
- Beginning December 12 (not yet on December 5), a special code will be available so you can enter by the red door in the southeast corner of the parking lot.
- Two weeks after Christmas Day, we will re-assess our protocols in light of the greater insight that time will offer regarding the influence of holiday travel and the Omicron variant.