COVID Case Reported at St. Paul’s

Early this morning we learned that a parishioner who last visited St. Paul’s on Sunday, Nov. 14 now has COVID, and is in the symptomatic phase. As you know, symptoms appear about 14 days after first acquiring the virus. Nov. 14 is more than two weeks ago, but it’s not clear how long the parishioner has been symptomatic.

In keeping with our COVID-19 policy, we are alerting the parish, but protecting the privacy of the patient. The clergy did have brief conversation with the parishioner on Nov. 14, and the Interim Rector will be tested as soon as possible as a precaution.

The Opening Committee are charged with the difficult task of balancing our Christian imperative of gathering in fellowship in Jesus’ name for worship, fellowship, and community; and our responsibility to maintain safety.

Please keep our parishioner in your prayers, asking God to bring recovery and healing to all those suffering directly and indirectly from COVID-19.