The Planned Receiving/Giving Committee functions as a sub-committee of the Vestry of St. Paul’s. The mission of the committee is to “hold high various programs that will allow parishioners and friends of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church to create new and support ongoing funds and special funds and to enhance existing endowment funds which are critical to the spiritual, physical, and financial futures of the parish.”
2021 was a robust year for the various St. Paul’s special purpose funds and endowments. Growth of these funds came from a combination of multiple new deposits/gifts throughout the year and strong investment returns generated by our investment managers. The support of these funds is critical in maintaining the financial heartbeat of our church. As a refresher, St Paul’s is blessed with meaningful endowment funds that have been created and maintained throughout history and continue today. Significant effort and care has been delivered by many throughout the years to ensure proper management of these funds. In general, St Paul’s has “restricted designated” endowments and “unrestricted designated” endowments. These various entities each has a specific purpose and charter set upon inception. Many of these funds were incepted by a family or individual with a specific passion to support. If you would like to know more specifics about any one of the funds please let me know. Throughout 2022 I will be providing a little more color to the parish about the various funds mission. Stay tuned and hopefully one of them will tickle your fancy. Bequests, memorials, and contributions of any size to any and/or all are accepted and appreciated.