January Adult Forum Schedule

This month’s programming is as follows:

January 16: Baptism and Its Importance

Baptism is the first sacrament one can receive, and is considered by some to be the most important one. Still, this sacrament is often misunderstood. This presentation will look at the history of Baptism, as well as what the Book of Common Prayer says about the sacrament.

January 23: Children and Mental Health, with special guest speaker Maryanne Kessel

Arguably, children have been the group most impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. Many support systems, such as family, community, and schools have been weakened, often leaving children to feel isolated and anxious. This has led to worsening mental health for children, an issue which is being addressed by places such as the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. Join Maryanne Kessel, the Executive Director of Development at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, as she discusses the full scope of this issue, as well as what can be done to help children through this difficult time.

Maryanne Kessel, a long-time Children’s employee, grew up in Janesville, WI. After graduating from nursing school, she moved to Houston, Texas, where she became involved with kids with heart disease at Texas Children’s Hospital and found her passion. She moved back to Wisconsin 34 years ago and has been with Children’s Wisconsin ever since. First as a heart nurse, then as an administrator for the Herma Heart program.

Five years ago, she moved over to the Children’s Foundation to work with the donors and families around supporting all the programs that Children’s offers the community. In that work, she has become very involved in the efforts to help kids with mental and behavioral health needs.

She will join us to share the work going on at Children’s and by Children’s in the community to move to the goal of mental wellness for our kids and adolescents. Maryanne is a colleague and friend of member, Brenda Dillard.

January 30: A Look at 1 Corinthians

Some of the most famous passages of the New Testament, such as “love is patient, love is kind…” come from 1 Corinthians. The circumstances surrounding this letter are seeped in a community suffering from drama and dissension. By understanding the history of 1 Corinthians, we can better apply it to our lives as well as consider ways of unifying our own communities.

It should be noted that for the rest of the month, Adult Forum will be online. This means it will begin at 8:15 AM CST and end at 9:15 AM CST. This should give people enough time to attend service. The Zoom link is below:

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