Advent Book Groups

Pastor Seth will guide two book groups during the Advent season. The groups are reading the same book. One group will meet at St. John’s on the Lake at 1pm, (Community Classroom, Second Floor, North Tower) and the other in the St. Paul’s Community Room at 5:30pm. Meetings will last one hour. 

The book is Light of the World by Amy-Jill Levine. Dr. Levine is a well-regarded Jewish scholar of the New Testament and offers fresh insights into the Scriptures from a Jewish lens.  

If you live at SJoL, Kathy Thome has a copy of the book for you. If not, Pr. Seth has copies available in the Community Room. 

Meeting Dates: Nov 29, Dec 6, Dec 13, Dec 20. 

If you are interested in either group, please email Pr. Seth with your time preference: 

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