Help By the Bag Load

On Wednesday, Pat Ruttum and I took a whole lot of plastic bags to Mercy Mats of West Allis, who meet weekly at the West Allis Library. Outside, we met several people also hauling in bags of bags. Inside, about two dozen women bustled around tables loaded with bags. Pat couldn’t stay, but I did for about an half hour, and the ladies were happy to explain and demonstrate the process (they also have an instructional video, below). These ladies have really got this down to a science! Work at the meeting is sorting, cutting, and “plarnning” (joining them into “plastic yarn) so mats can be crocheted at home.

The result is a 3 ft. x 6 ft. plastic mat (which gobble up approximately 700 bags each) which is useful for comfort and shelter all year long. Sooooo…. I propose that we continue collecting bags for Mercy Mats — after all, I know we’re all going to have more piling up. The collection box will remain at the corner of the hall.

Click here to watch a video that shows how bags are cut and “plarnned” so that mats can be crocheted!

Click here to watch a video of the mat distribution to those in need!