April Adult Forum Schedule

Stained glass window of Christ's crucifixion, Oslo Domkirke, Oslo Cathedral, Oslo, Norway (Mel Longhurst / VWPics via AP Images)

I hope you are all excited about the start of spring, and the promise of the Easter season! Once again, it is time for the new Adult Forum schedule. It is as follows:

April 16, 9 am in the Community Room: Difficulties in a Diagnosis

In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Adult Forum will look at the struggles of receiving an Autism diagnosis. Many times, it is difficult for racial minorities and women to receive a diagnosis, despite their persistence. This is in part because of harmful stereotypes and lack of access to resources. Join us at 9 am in the Community Room as we explore the difficulties in receiving an Autism diagnosis, as well as how some people have overcome these obstacles to acquire the resources they need.

If you have any questions, please contact Dana Fritz at dfritz404@gmail.com. I hope to see you all at Adult Forum!