Fellow parishioners and friends:
It is with mixed feelings that we must inform you that we will be leaving St. Paul’s church. We will be moving to Jacksonville, Fla., where Jennifer has accepted a position with her current employer, Wells Fargo.
We have had some wonderful experiences as members of St. Paul’s and feel honored to have served in the various leadership roles over the years. We have not only grown personally but have also made some good friends and will miss all of you. Sunday, December 19th will be our last day as members, and we’d like to take this opportunity to bid our farewells. As such, we will be hosting a brunch at County Clare Irish Inn & Pub, 1234 N. Astor Street, Milwaukee following the 10:00 AM service. Please let us know if you will be attending the brunch event by December 12th. You can RSVP by emailing either of us at: alwilliamsza@gmail.com or j.miswald@yahoo.com. All are invited and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible join us.
Warm regards,
André and Jennifer Williams