Eric Moore, volunteer coordinator at Independence First in Milwaukee, is promoting a volunteer opportunity . Independence First is Metro Milwaukee’s first resource for people with disabilities. We offer more than 40 programs and workshops and services of all kinds, and for various age groups. Independence First provides programs on disability awareness, independent living skills, and recreation. We work with individuals and families for whatever someone needs to successfully live in the community, helping with resources from assistive technology to home modification to personal care or supportive home care services.
Once a month, independence First hosts a Senior Food Distribution at our location. They’re having problems finding volunteers to help with this event. This event is extremely important for families in need. Since 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, we have provided stock boxes to close to 2,000 families. We did this with the help of many volunteers. For some reason individuals have not been signing up lately and they’re searching for new outlets.
Their next distribution is next Friday, January 14, 2022 at 10am and they only have 3 volunteers when they need 10. Below is a link on more information for volunteers, Eric Moore’s contact info, and a downloadable pdf of IF’s Senior Food Distribution 2022 schedule.
Eric Moore (he/him/his) t Marketing Administrative Assistant
Independence First t 540 S 1st Street t Milwaukee, Wisconsin t 53204
Direct 414-226-8356 t Office 414-291-7520 TTY/Relay t Fax 414-291-7525
emoore@independencefirst.org t www.independencefirst.org