We’re offering a new fall event this year: a Thanksgiving Day dinner at St. Paul’s! On Thursday, November 28th we will kick off the holiday festivities with a Thanksgiving service at 4:00 pm followed by a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixins. After that, anybody that wants to can stay for the Pie and Packer Game portion of the evening.
St. Paul’s will provide the main things like turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, but we’re also asking for your help to fill the tables with everyone’s holiday favorites. If you have a special Thanksgiving dish like world-famous ambrosia salad or Grandma’s cranberry relish, you’re more than welcome to bring it. OR if you would like to come but skip the cooking, you can bring wine or dinner rolls or a store-bought pie!
EVERYONE is welcome; kids, friends, out of town relatives — bring anyone and everyone! Who’s hungry already?
For planning purposes, we’ll need an RSVP for the number in your group and what you would like to contribute to the feast!
Please RSVP by November 21 by emailing Cindy or Mary Ellen the number in your party, your phone number and the Thanksgiving menu item you would like to bring.
Cindy: cindy@stpaulsmilwaukee.org
Mary Ellen: maryellenhermann@gmail.com