Parish Life Meeting to Align 2023 Goals

After service Sunday November 20th in the Community Room, those who are interested in participating in the growth of community, fostering of fellowship, and inspiration of outreach are invited to attend the Parish Life Committee’s initial goal setting meeting. We are focusing on the guiding values that will help inform our actions and direction together. By first having a clear understanding of our driving principles, ideals, and goals, we can best take steps forward to create space for community, both within and outside of St Paul’s walls.

This meeting is open to all interested and will be hosted by the Co-Chairs of the Parish Life Committee, Michael Nelson and Nicole Hanlon. Once the 10 am service concludes Sunday the 20th and there has been a moment for folks to grab a beverage and filter into the Community Room, the meeting will begin with introductions and then move to goal sharing and development. Parish Life is looking to continue meeting now and into the future, so all who are interested are invited to participate in our ongoing dialogue and events moving forward.

For point of contact see:
Michael Nelson: (630) 488-2019
Nicole Hanlon: (630) 770-9644