This Palm Sunday, April 10, our bishop will return to St. Paul’s to preach, teach, celebrate Eucharist, and invoke the power and sanctity of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation or Reaffirmation of our Baptismal Vows, and to receive Christians who already have made an adult profession of faith into this branch of the Body of Christ: The Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. The bulletins are printed, the forms are filled out and filed. But what is to prevent you from receiving the Holy Spirit this Sunday?
Not a thing. Just come Sunday and follow the crowd. When you get to the bishop, tell him your full first and middle name(s), and tell him what God is calling you to do.
If you were baptized as a child but never have publicly taken your baptismal vows and confessed your faith to a bishop, tell him you want to be confirmed.
If you already were confirmed we recognize your confirmation and welcome you. Tell the bishop you want to be received into the Episcopal Church.
If you already have been baptized as an adult or confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church by a bishop, tell him you want to reaffirm your baptismal vows.
Got a friend who needs to hear and know the love of Jesus Christ and enter into this community? Bring them along! Not baptized? No problem! We have water, we have oil, we have a bishop — who could ask for anything more?
God is doing a new thing at St Paul’s. Come and see this Sunday at 10.