COVID-19 infections have increased sharply in recent weeks. The current strain is far more infectious, but thankfully, it’s also less virulent. As a precaution, we’re taking these steps starting Sunday, May 22, and continuing until cases taper off substantially:
- Please wear a mask when inside the building.
- Please maintain 6-foot distancing from others outside your household, and refrain from shaking hands.
- Please leave the building promptly at the conclusion of worship, without crowding at the exits.
- Coffee hour is cancelled THIS WEEK ONLY (May 22) because it will be too cold to gather outside.
Coffee hour will be held outdoors in the coming weeks, weather permitting. If the forecast is for rain or uncomfortably hot or cold temperatures, we’ll cancel coffee hour on a week-by-week basis.
We’re made it this far. Let’s be safe and get through this next period with grace. The promised land awaits!