Christian Stewardship refers to the responsibility that Christians have in maintaining and using wisely the gifts that God has bestowed. God wishes human beings to be his collaborators in the work of creation, redemption and sanctification. Increasingly this has referred to environmental protectionism. This also includes traditional Christian Ministries that share the resources of treasure, time and talent.[Citation]
In congregations, including St. Paul’s, the Christian understanding of Stewardship focuses on the annual call for members and friends of the congregation to pledge their financial support for the coming year. Pledge cards are in the mail, and we all are invited to offer a generous pledge of financial support for St. Paul’s for 2023. Stewardship Team members Jim Gramentine, Nicole Hanlon, Julie Okoro, Peter Larson, and Gerry Mainman are collaborating with the Interim Rector for on a condensed pledge drive. In this year’s Stewardship letter, the Interim Rector focused on the arrival of our next clergy leader, writing: “Your generous commitment of support for St. Paul’s in 2023 signals to your new Rector that you know that your best days are before you. It equips your next leader with the resources needed to pursue opportunities God gives us instead of reacting to unmet needs.”
The letter calls for pledges to be returned on or before Christ the King Sunday, November 20 at 10 a.m., at a special ingathering service. If you misplace or don’t receive the pledge mailing, you can pledge online here any time, or pick up a pledge card at the church. A copy of the pledge letter is available for download here.