On Sunday, May 8, a portion of the ceiling in the classrooms used by the Renaissance Child Development Center housed at St. Paul’s, collapsed. No one was in the room, and no one was injured. The safety of everyone who enters our building is a top priority. Assisted by St. Paul’s staff, Building and Grounds chair Paul Haubrich took control of the situation quickly, and in a short period of time, had secured a detailed bid for a prompt professional removal and replacement of the ceiling, which was reviewed and approved by the finance committee and vestry. Removal of the ceiling began on Tuesday, and workers are rapidly replacing the ceiling. You may recall Paul’s appeal last Sunday for volunteers to help clear debris on Tuesday morning.
This morning, we received this update from Paul: “The ceiling project was moving along just fine until I got an email this morning about a ‘Change Order #1’ from Sprinkmann Co, the project contractor. I opened the attachment and was surprised to find a project credit for $625 for our assistance in removing the demoed materials. This works out to about $30 an hour for our 20 work hours across the six people who helped.”
Many thanks to Paul for his swift and professional response, and to volunteers and St. Paul’s staff Paul Haubrich, Jim and Margaret Schumacher, Mal Soward-Gatford, Dean Thome, Peter Johnson, and Bill Jankowski.