February 2022
Dear St. Paul’s Parishioners,
The Search Committee is identifying a variety of methods to hear of your thoughts about our parish and what we are seeking a new rector. We want all parishioners to have the opportunity to share their thoughts. This is the first of several means to do that.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment to answer two questions here. The first asks you to reflect on the strengths and areas of growth for the parish. The second asks you to reflect on what you feel is important in seeking a rector. Please use whatever format is most comfortable for you to reply (list, narrative, etc.)
You may provide this information anonymously, or, if you prefer, you may include your name.
You will also have the opportunity to participate in an updated parish survey and individual or small-group conversations about the search. More on those in the coming months.
Thank you for taking you time to help our search. Your participation is truly appreciated.
Pat Luebke
Chair, St. Paul’s Search Committee