EfM is a program of group study with the purpose of developing a richer foundation for our life and ministry together. EfM’s four-year cycle covers Hebrew Scriptures, the Christian Testament, Church History and Theology. The program was developed by the School of Theology at University of the South (web site here: https://efm.sewanee.edu/) and is sponsored locally by the Diocese of Milwaukee.
One year of EfM consists of 36 sessions that meet weekly and include discussion of assigned readings, shared reflection and meditative worship. Participants enroll one year at a time with no obligation to complete all four years. EfM classes are limited to 12 members and so afford the opportunity for close fellowship as well.
This Fall there will be two available sessions in the Milwaukee diocese: one class meets in person, and the other meets exclusively on Zoom.
- The in-person class meets at St. Aidan’s in Hartford from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. In the past, this class has met on Wednesdays, but that’s open for negotiation for next year. Micki Hoffman is the mentor of that group. Contact her at mphoffmann70@gmail.com or 262-673-2903 if you have questions about this group.
- The Zoom-based class meets on Monday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Because that class does not meet in person, it may include participants from across the country if there are available openings. Depending on interest, it is possible the class may meet on Tuesdays. The mentor, Terry Zimmer, can be contacted at ztleman@gmail.com or 414-839-9312.
Regardless of where or how the class meets, an EfM group often has participants from several parishes or non-Episcopal churches, giving discussions and reflections an ecumenical flavor. If you already completed EfM, you are welcome to return and re-take any year you wish. If you started EfM at one time, but did not complete it, you can usually pick up where you left off.
Please contact one of the two mentors above if you would like to participate in EfM this Fall, or if you have any questions about the program.