The Interim Rector’s monthly Forum continues Sunday, May 15 at 9 a.m. in the Community Room, and you know how scintillating he is! Join us as we continue thinking together about how God is calling St. Paul’s to new and life changing ministry.
Because the Forum conversations are very frank and candid conversations about the parish’s ministry and long-term future, we don’t livestream them. But you always are welcome to attend in person.
Recent conversations have referenced our historical relationship with All Saints’ Cathedral, a block away from St. Paul’s. The Cathedral’s dean, the Very Rev. Kevin Carroll, recently wrote this to his congregation, indicating that we’re not the only ones thinking expansive about mission and ministry:
At the Great Vigil of Easter, All Saints’ Cathedral had the pleasure to welcome back the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Milwaukee. We also had the pleasure of welcoming clergy and members of various parishes from the area, including St. Peter’s-West Allis; St. Luke’s-Bay View; St. Boniface-Mequon; and St. Paul’s, our neighbor to the north. In addition to welcoming guest lectors from these parishes to read some of the lessons, we also were delighted to welcome the Rev. Lane Hensley, interim rector of St. Paul’s, to deliver the sermon.
Since his arrival at St. Paul’s, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Fr. Hensley. We have spent many hours in conversation regarding topics of interest to our parishes and our diocese. One topic that has surfaced during many of our conversations has been how our two parishes might be able to collaborate in terms of shared ministries, administrative support, and infrastructure.
In addition, we have been able to welcome each other to functions at our two churches. Fr. Hensley invited me to take part in an All Saints’ Evensong at Forest Home Cemetery in November, and to participate in St. Paul’s service of Christmas Lessons and Carols. He has joined us for our All Souls’ service, and as the preacher at the Easter Vigil. We both agree that while the style and culture of our two parishes differ, there are many areas where we have shared interests and shared possible outcomes. He and I also agree that it would be advantageous for the leadership of our two congregations to get to know each other. Plans for this are in the works.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is inviting the post-COVID church to discover new ways of being the church in the 21st century. As the Diocese of Milwaukee begins a process of discussing the possibility of a reunified Diocese of Wisconsin, it also makes sense that All Saints’ and St Paul’s look for ways to support each others’ mission and ministry. While our congregational styles are different, we find ourselves located in the same neighborhood, and we hold our Anglican heritage in common. Both our parishes strive to reflect the image and likeness of God into a world that so sorely needs our witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please keep both parishes, including their clergy, leaders, and members, in your prayers, as we continue to foster a healthy, holy, and productive relationship.
The Very Rev. Kevin Carroll, Dean of All Saints’ Cathedral, Milwaukee