God is Praised by the work of our many volunteers whose labor and skill beautified our worship space to celebrate the Birth of Our Lord:
- Pat Ruttum
- Steve Sanders
- Rand Schmidt
- Georgia Cain
- Eric Dawson
- Mary Beth Haubrich
- Paul Haubrich
- Mary Ellen Hermann
- Suzanne Matenaer
- Michael Nelson
Deep Gratitude to the Dozens Who Made Lessons & Carols Spectacular
Lessons: Readers
- Denise Callaway
- Suzanne Cornell
- Joanne Filmanowicz
- Nicole Hanson
- Howard Hutchinson
- Maya Noack
- Gary Reistad
- Cindy Wilmeth
- Terry Zimmer
Carols: Musicians
- Joseph Kucharski
- Tedd King
- Austin Bare
- Camille Crossot
- Danielle Gedemer
- Todd Heikkinen
- Deme Hellwig
- Becky Hensley
- Elias King
- Sarah Knox
- Steve Sanders
- Joseph Schmidt
- Rand Schmidt
- Alex Spors
- Ann Thorson
- Jackie Willis
- Jay Zamora
- Chris Zibart
- Matt Pamperin
The Very Rev. Kevin Carroll, Co-Officiant
Todd Smith, Acolyte
- Carol Deptolla
- Carol Benjamin
- Suzy Brennan
- Kurt Bushman
- Georgia Cain
- Heidi Campbell
- Lee Coppernoll
- Eric Dawson
- Brenda Dillard
- Ed Filmanowicz
- Joanne Filmanowicz
- Tom Goode
- Sandra Halgerson
- Mary Beth Haubrich
- Paul Haubrich
- Mary Ellen Hermann
- Chris Krueger
- Pat Luebke
- Gerry Mainman
- Suzanne Matenaer
- Michael Nelson
- Sherri Nettell
- Julie Okoro
- Matt Pamperin
- Ken Reed
- Adriana Rees
- Ken Robinson
- Pat Ruttum
- Rand Schmidt
- Calvin Sampson
- Margaret Schumacher
- Cathy Simpson
- Dean Thome
- Kathy Thome
- Mary Beth Weissert
- Terry Zimmer