Are you a regular reader of Forward Day by Day? If you’re used to picking up your copy at the church, please let us know, and we’ll have your copy delivered directly to your home from Forward Movement at no cost. You’ll never miss an issue, and receive it quarterly, hot off the presses! You can sign up to receive your FREE copy of Forward Day by Day by clicking here, or send email to the Interim Rector letting us know you’d like your copy sent to you directly. Please make sure to let us know if you prefer the “regular” pocket size edition, or the large type edition. Your subscription will begin with the May-July 2020 issue, and will continue until you ask us to stop. Mary Ann Halstead is forwarding a list of those who received Forward Day by Day by direct mail when we were separated by COVID-19, and we’ll make sure everyone on the list is included. A limited number of copies will continue to be available at the church, but direct delivery ensures prompt delivery.
Try it online! You can read today’s readings and meditation at https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/fdd/ and can find prior days’ readings and meditation there too. The online version includes an audio option, so you can have it read do you on your phone, tablet, or computer. You also can link directly to the scripture readings of the day.