Guest House of Milwaukee serves more than 80 men at our homeless shelter and hundreds throughout the community experiencing homelessness, housing instability and food insecurity. The mission of Guest House is to provide shelter, housing, education, and services to Milwaukee’s homeless who seek to transform their lives with dignity and purpose. We are hoping you can help us serve our community! There are several ways to get involved:
Meal Program:
One of the services we provide is an evening meal to our 80+ shelter guests. Hot dinner meals provide more than sustenance for our guests; they provide a sense of connection with our community and show our guests that they are worthy of compassion and dignity. Ensuring we have hot, nutritious dinners every night is a top priority. Since our emergency shelter does not have a food budget, we rely on the generosity of the community to help us meet this daily need.
Volunteer groups decide when and how often to provide dinner meals. Some groups raise funds to purchase a meal ($250) and other groups get together to cook and then deliver the prepared meals to the shelter. Whether your group chooses to donate once a month, once a season, or just once – we are truly grateful!
Food Donation Drive:
A food donation drive ensures that we always have enough to go around to those in need. Several categories, such as breakfast, frozen foods and dry goods are just some of the ideas we have to collect food for those in our community suffering from food insecurity. You get to decide how, when and what category you wish to collect. We appreciate any donations you are able to provide!
Sandwich Donations:
Guest House provides approximately 200-400 sandwiches daily to shelter guests and to those in need in our community. Our goal is to have sandwiches available to all those in need each day of the year. Volunteers are welcome to make as many sandwiches as they are able, in increments of approximately 25 and up to 400 total. We have specific guidelines and instructions we provide if you would like to help in this area. Again, we appreciate any and all donations!
We would love an opportunity to discuss these food donation needs with you further and provide additional information. Please respond to this e-mail or call Robin Brisco at 414-430-7821 at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!
This year, Guest House celebrates our 40th year of providing transformative and life-saving services to thousands of individuals and families in our community through our programs designed to end the cycle of homelessness. Thank you for joining us in serving those in our community experiencing homelessness, housing instability, and food insecurity.
Your friend in service,
Christine Jacobs
Development Specialist
Guest House of Milwaukee
1216 N. 13th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53205
Email: christinej@guesthouseofmilwaukee.org
Guest House general: 414-345-3240