
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church makes its facilities available to Church Groups, Guests, and Members. The facilities may be used by groups and individuals as outlined in this policy. Use of church facilities by outside groups on a regular basis must receive the approval of the parish’s governing body, the Vestry. The Church and its facilities are sacred space. We expect that it will be treated with respect at all times.

Any use of church facilities must be consonant with the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church, and with federal, state, and local law. The church facilities will not be used for any purpose unbecoming of a house of worship or disrespectful of the dignity of any human being.

Getting Started

Use of the church building and facilities (the “Church”) shall be scheduled with the Rector (senior pastor). The following guidelines apply:

Who may use the church, in order of priority

  • St. Paul’s Church groups or church members using the facilities as part of the ministry of the church (“Church Groups“) including Vestry, Christian Education classes, Church committees and fellowship groups, and the larger Episcopal Church
  • Service, social, charitable, civic, educational and other non-profit groups (“Guests“)
  • Church members (“Members“) for personal use

Who may not use the church

  • Partisan political groups
  • For-profit groups

Guests planning performing arts events should contact the Parish Musician to schedule Church use. Church Groups, Members, and other Guests (“Event Organizers“) wishing to use the Church for an Event or series of Events should contact the Office Administrator. Worship events, including weddings, funerals, confirmations and baptisms are not subject to this policy. Contact the Rector to schedule worship events at the Church. Please note that worship services (including weddings and funerals) officiated by third party officiants rarely are permitted.

The Church will designate someone to assist you in completing a Facilities Use Application, and that person will continue as your Primary Contact through the event. Once your application is approved, a deposit will be required. Liability insurance shall be carried by Guests and Members.

Payment of remaining fees (Total Fees less non-refundable deposit) is due no later than one week prior to the Event. The Event Organizer will be invoiced for staff costs no later than one week after the event.

A current copy of all Facilities Use Policies and Documents is available at

Guidelines and Rules

Church Representatives

If more than 40 people are expected at an Event, one or more Church Representatives will be appointed by the Church, and must be present at all times during the Event. Fees will apply. The Church Representatives’ role is to ensure the proper functioning of the facility, the safety of the occupants, and the security of the facility. They will unlock doors as needed; turn on lights and sound system as needed; address electrical, plumbing, and HVAC issues; represent the Church to law enforcement officers or emergency response teams as needed; and enforce the terms of this document.

Church staff, including the Facilities Representative(s), are unable to assist Event Organizers as ushers, greeters, hosts, lighting or sound operators, door monitors, emergency medical support beyond calling 911, room setup or take-down, dishwashing, or clean-up. All these functions are the responsibility of the Event Organizer.

Setup and Cleanup

Event Organizers are responsible for setup and cleanup for Events. All trash and recyclables must be removed from the building at the end of the Event. Trash and recyclables may be disposed of in the appropriate bins located in the church parking lot if there is room in the bins. Otherwise, Event Organizers must remove the trash from the premises.

Alcohol Policy

Alcoholic beverages may not be served at or brought to the property.

External Doors

Exterior doors and other locked doors may not be unlocked except by the Parish Representative. For security reasons, unlocked exterior doors must be directly monitored at all times by a representative of the Event Organizer: Church Representatives may not be deployed to monitor unlocked doors because they must be available to respond to emergencies and maintenance issues.

Hold Harmless

The Church is not responsible for any injury to individuals attending any Event, nor for damage to or loss of personal property belonging to Event Organizers, their representatives, or guests attending the Event. The Event Organizer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Church for any such injury, damage or loss.


Event Organizers must ensure there is responsible adult supervision at all times when facilities are in use. If the Event requires professional security at an Event, the Event Organizer is responsible for providing the Security at their own expense.

Use of Furniture and Equipment

St. Paul’s is first and always a church, and it welcomes fine arts performances and other events insomuch as they can be accommodating those events without compromising its identity, values, and reverence to God. The altars, altar rail, candles, baptismal font, and church furnishings are important signs of God’s presence and integral elements of a holy space. They are not “props”, and may not be moved, adapted, or obscured without consent of the Rector as part of the written Use Agreement.

Event Organizers using the facility may use available tables, chairs, and lec­terns, as their set-up requires. Guests are responsible for providing their own linens.

Event Organizers may bring in their own items. Any furniture or equipment must be removed imme­diately at the end of the event. Any special use of Church furniture or equipment must be indicated on the Building Use Application and have the approval of the Rector.

Event Organizers and their representatives may not explore offices, classrooms, or other areas of the Church in search of office supplies, furniture, or other items.

Church Property

No furniture, equipment, or other property belonging to the Church may be lent or removed from the building. Furniture may not be moved between rooms without knowledge and approval of the Primary Contact.

The Church understands that Event Organizers may need to make minor alternations to the arrangement of the worship space at a rehearsal, and that the revisions likely will apply to the event itself. However, the altar, communion rail, kneelers, and candles may not be moved, and nothing may be placed on the altar at any time without explicit approval by the Rector. If the arrangement furniture in any part of the Church is altered by the Member or Guest, the space must be restored to its prior setup by the Member or Guest. Because other groups including the Church itself use the building regularly, such alternations may not be left in place between rehearsals or performances without specific approval of the Rector.

Music stands, additional chairs, microphones, and other equipment may be requested, and will be provided if they are available. Additional fees may be imposed.

Use of Church Musical Instruments

Church musical instruments, including the Church Organ and/or Steinway piano may be used only if noted in the Member or Guest’s Application, approved by the Church, and included in the final Building Use Agreement. Because the Church’s instruments are expensive and easily damaged, the Parish Musician will require evidence from the Member or Guest of the competence of the Member or Guest’s musician(s). Reprogramming organ presets or use of the organ console’s digital recording feature is not allowed unless explicitly authorized in writing by the Parish Musician.

If the Member or Guest determines that tuning is required for the church organ or Steinway piano, the Parish Musician will select and supervise a Tuner, whose services will be paid by the Member or Guest. Use of the Steinway piano almost always involves moving it, which usually necessitates tuning. The Church cannot guarantee the availability of a qualified Tuner on short notice.

Other Matters

Food and drink is prohibited in the Church Sanctuary, though performers may have water as needed.

Tobacco use, vaping, and open flames are not prohibited anywhere on Church property.

Cellophane tape, glue, pins, and other items which may cause damage may not be used on the walls, ceilings, or furniture.

Kitchen Use

The Kitchen is available to Guests to serve food prepared elsewhere. For an additional fee, the Kitchen may be used by Guests for preparation of food. Guests are responsible for bringing linens, utensils, glasses, dishes, serving trays, and anything else necessary for food preparation. The Kitchen also is available to Church Groups and Members who may use the linens, utensils, glasses, dishes, serving trays, and anything else belonging to the Church. All such linens, utensils, glasses, dishes, etc. must be cleaned and returned to the appropriate storage before leaving after the Event.

As with any other building use, the kitchen must be cleaned at the end of the use, including wip­ing down all appliances and surfaces used and removal of any utensils, dishes, serving trays, and trash immediately after the event. Permission must be obtained for any additional days of prepara­tion or storage of food or for delayed cleanup. As with general building use, cleanup and damage fees will apply to Kitchen use.

The Rector or the Rector’s designee must inspect the kitchen following use for cleanliness and damage and for the release of funds to be returned.

Cleanup and Damage

If proper cleanup is not performed by the Event Organizer damages occur, the Church will invoice the Guest or Member for these costs and reserves the right to take any action necessary for reimbursement of any such costs. Failure to clean up properly may leave the Event Organizer ineligible to use the space in the future.

Setup and Rehearsals

Must be in agreement

Can’t leave stuff out

Public Health and Safety

Out clause in case of health (COVID?) or safety issues

Lights and Sound

As is, no programming, no use of wireless unless in LOA, no on-site operator.

School Safety

No Public Events while School is In Session

Wireless Network

The building’s wireless network may be used by the Event Organizer and their guests on an as-is basis. The Service Set Identifier (SSID) is St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and the password is Apostle1883.

Steam Heat

On request, off/on to prevent noise.


The Event Organizer and Event participants may use the Church’s parking lot on the north side of the church, which is accessible from Marshall Street. The lot has 26 spaces, including three handicap spaces in the southeast corner of the lot, and one space in the northeast corner of the lot that is reserved for a residential tenant. Street parking may or may not be available, and the Church is not responsible for its availability. The Church may allow other groups to schedule events at or around the same time as another Event but only to the extent the two events will not conflict with each other. The Church leases space to a preschool that makes substantial use of the parking lot Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and has priority over the Event Organizer during those hours.

The Lincoln Center of the Arts across Marshall Street from the Church has an 82-space parking lot. The school is independent of the Church, and the Church has no arrangement or special relationship with Milwaukee Public Schools. As of October 2022, use of that lot requires permission from Milwaukee Recreation (414-773-9982), a department of Milwaukee Public Schools, and must be reserved by the Event Organizer. The Church will not make inquiry or reservations on behalf of the Event Organizer. To reserve the parking lot, visit Milwaukee Recreation: School Facility Permits and complete and submit the Building Permit Application Form on the MPS website. The Church recommends that the Visiting Organization secure its permit as early as possible, and the Church is not able to make alternate parking arrangements for outside groups if the school parking lot is not available.

CHURCH OCCUPANCY LIMIT: No more than 450 people may occupy the worship space of the Church.

Spaces, Services, and Fees

The following fees are due no more than one week in advance of the event. Spaces may be used ONLY if reserved by the Event Organizer with the Primary Contact.

$500Use of the Sanctuary for events with ticket sales
Including the Narthex (“lobby”)
$150Use of the Sanctuary for any free concert or other event without ticket sales
Including the Narthex (“lobby”)
$85Use of the Sanctuary for rehearsal, in 4-hour increments
$85Use of the Sanctuary for rehearsal
$100Use of the Great Hall
$50Use of the Community Room
$50Use of the Choir Rehearsal Room
$50Use of the Kitchen for food preparation on day of event
No charge to serve food prepared elsewhere
$25Use of Library
$10 per hourAdditional use prior to the event if reserved at least 10 days in advance, subject to availability of the space requested
Additional fees may be charged for extra storage of food or other contingencies.
$25 per hourAdditional use prior to the event if reserved less than 10 days in advance, subject to availability of the space requested
Additional fees may be charged for extra storage of food or other contingencies.
$22 per hour per Church RepresentativeChurch Representative
$50Non-refundable deposit on any fees.

Use of restrooms, coat check, and hallways needed for access to rented spaces and restrooms is included.

Bounced checks and late fees.


  • Deadlines for LOA, Money