The COVID-19 Opening Committee and the Vestry have approved a set of additional relaxation of COVID-19 protocols, paving the way for a return to Coffee Hour in the Great Hall and/or outdoors.
Under the new plan, masks now are recommended but optional. A portion of the pew seating will remain closed at every other pew for those who want to observe strict social distancing, and worshipers will be able to exchange the peace. Congregational singing was restored last month. Coffee Hour will return on Palm Sunday, April 10, coinciding with our bishop’s visitation, confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation.
For now, Holy Communion will continue to be offered at a standing station, and the cup will not be offered. We are looking at sanitary alternatives to a common cup, and may offer that option soon.
At the core of the updated guidelines is an appeal for respect and courtesy for the desires and concerns of each other. You can approach another person to pass the peace, shake hands, etc., but we ask that you first confirm that the other person is comfortable doing so.