- Serving Lunches for The Gathering
Every 2nd Saturday of the month we are scheduled to serve in-person lunches from 10 am to 1 pm at the Gathering’s site which is located at Ascension Lutheran Church, 1236 S. Layton Boulevard. Our next serving date will be Saturday, March 8, 2025!
If interested, please contact John Cain (johnhowardcain@gmail.com)
- Pause and Pray With Us on Tuesdays!
Join us on Tuesdays from 12:00-12:30 p.m. for 30 minutes of prayer, reflection from the Christian tradition, and meditative music.
- You Are Invited to the Observance of a Holy Lent
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. You are invited to observe the beginning of this season of repentance and renewal by attending one of three services. All will include imposition of ashes.
7:30am in the Morning Chapel, 12:00pm in the Morning Chapel, 7:00pm in the Nave (with choir)
- Lent Book Study: The Word in the Wilderness by Malcom Guite
St. Paul’s members and friends are invited to St. John’s on the Lake for guided readings and discussions of classical and contemporary poets, from Dante, John Donne and George Herbert to Seamus Heaney, Rowan Williams, and Gillian Clarke. We will use the poet and Anglican priest Malcolm Guite as our guide through this season of penitence and preparation for Easter. All are welcome!
Tuesdays at 1pm in the 2nd floor Community Room at St. John’s: March 11, 18, 25, and April 1, 8, and 15.
Sorry, no evening book study this time because of Music Director Interviews in March.
Please RSVP to seth@stpaulsmilwaukee.org by March 5th so books can be ordered.
- February 16 Adult Formation: The African Methodist Episcopal Church and Pauli Murray
One of the most fascinating Civil Rights leaders is Pauli Murray, someone who faced discrimination due to both her race and her gender. Through her interviews, we can learn more about her fascinating life, as well as her fight for justice both inside and outside the church.
Join us in the community room after the service this Sunday, February 16, as we explore Pauli Murray’s life in her own words. There will also be answers to the questions posed about the African Methodist Episcopal Church last Sunday as well.
- Church Directory
Would you like a copy of the church photo directory emailed to you? Contact Cindy in the office for a PDF copy: cindy@stpaulsmilwaukee.org
- St. Paul’s Thrift Shop Winter Break
The Thrift Shop is on winter break and will return beginning Saturday, March 8!
- St. Paul’s Children’s Corner!
A few folks teamed up to transform a corner of our Sanctuary into a little sanctuary for young ones on Sunday mornings! This space has a little rocker and big rocker, foam flooring, books, and quiet activities for active bodies and minds during church. Kids are always welcome in church during worship – you might surprised what is absorbed while getting the wiggles out!
We have also recently hired two nursery caregivers for Sunday mornings, Skyler and Tess. Using the daycare space on the main floor, this will allow parents of little ones to have a focused worship experience if they choose. This space is available for kids up through five years old. Kids older than five are encouraged to use the Children’s Corner and/or participate with their families in the pews.
- Making Lunches for The Gathering
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped make sack lunches for The Gathering! Our next sandwich making date is Friday, February 28 at 3 pm.
Sandwich making will continue on the fourth Friday of the month at 3 pm (unless otherwise indicated).
We are always looking for a few more volunteers! Please contact John Cain (johnhowardcain@gmail.com) for more information or to sign up!
- Parking Options for Sunday Morning
Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors at Jewish Family Services, we are happy to be able to offer additional Sunday morning parking options in the Jewish Family Services parking lot (1300 N Jackson Street, Milwaukee). They have ask that we please NOT park in the spots marked “reserved,” but other than that are happy to host us, with the caveat that they are not liable for any damage to cars that may be incurred while parked in their lot.
Jewish Family Services is approximately 0.2 miles from St. Paul’s (about a 4 minute walk). You do not need to display any stickers or other paperwork in order to park there on a Sunday morning. We are grateful to our neighbors for so graciously sharing their space with us!
And don’t forget about The HOP as another option! The HOP light rail system has a stop at Ogden and Astor, right by the church, and is still free.
However you arrive, we look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning for worship!
- Evensong on Sunday, March 2
Please join us for Choral Evensong on Sunday, March 2 at 2:30 pm, let by the St. Paul’s Choir, Canon Joseph Kucharski, and Associate Organist Tedd King.
The prelude music begins at 2:30 pm, and Evensong starts at 3 pm. Parking is available in the Lincoln Center lot across from the St. Paul’s. We hope to see you there! - Black History Month at St. Paul’s!
- Got news to share?
It’s easy to get your news and information published to the parish. Here’s how to do it:
The primary news vehicle now is the website, which in turn provides the content for weekly email updates to the entire parish community. To get your content published, write it up as a news story with as little formatting as possible – just the text – and email it to us at info@stpaulsmilwaukee.org. Tips for an effective announcement:
- Use news format: That means standard prose in paragraph form and complete sentences. Imagine that what you’re writing will be published as a new story (not a display ad) in a newspaper. A news story is not the same as a poster or flier, and posters and fliers are ineffective as website content.
- Don’t bury the lead: Get to the point. Remember that people skim these stories, and if you don’t get their attention with actual information in the first sentence, they won’t read your message. A bad “news story” begins with old church newsletter saws like “Got the winter blues and want some have some fun Milwaukee style? Come one, come all! Get your dancing shoes on! The entire parish invites you to …” Ugh! just tell us what you want us to know!
- Write in the third person. Assume that the reader doesn’t know who you are.
- Headline: You should write a headline for your story. A good headline is short, uses active voice, and is informative. Examples of bad headlines: “Treasurer’s report”, “Service to be held”, “Bad news to report” or “Just a reminder”. Good examples: “Adult formation resumes for February”, “Prison ministry seeks members”, or “Evensong features Bruce Springsteen”.
- Photo: Our website automatically crops photos to a standard shape, with an aspect ratio of 4:3, horizontal. And in some cases, it crops even more, to 19:6 horizontal. Remember that when you’re submitting photos. If your photo is vertical, make sure there is enough room on either side that it can be cropped to horizontal. If you are able to crop it yourself, that’s very helpful. Keep the subject of your photo in the very center for best results.
- Copyright issues: Copyright holders routinely scan websites, including those of churches, looking for copyright violations. Make sure you don’t submit copyrighted materials, including photos, unless you have permission to publish it on the website. If that’s the case, please make sure to include copyright info (e.g., “Photo by Lee Matz, © 2018. All rights reserved. Used by permission.”)
- Contact info: Wherever possible, include contact information with your story. If you list a person’s name as the contact person, make sure you also provide an email address or phone number. Check out, for example, the last bullet point below. But also consider this:
- Privacy: Remember that our website is public. Don’t publish an email address, phone number, or any other personal information unless you have the subject’s permission.
- Embargo and expire: It’s a great idea to send news items well ahead of the dates you want it published. It’s very helpful if you give us a start and stop date for news items. Our software can honor those dates automatically, so you can be extremely precise. For example, you can have a message appear automatically at 3 a.m. if you like, and especially helpful for events, your news item can expire at a precise time. So a music event might be set to expire one hour after it starts. That helps us make sure our website is as fresh as possible.
- Questions: Contact us at info@stpaulsmilwaukee.org!