April Adult Forum Schedule

man and woman sitting on chair
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

IMPORTANT NOTE! Due to the lifting of COVID restrictions, Adult Forum will now be in the Community Room on Sunday at 9:00 AM. It will be livestreamed. 

April’s schedule is as follows:

April 3: The Passion on Trial

In the final installment of our Lenten series, we will examine the differences and similarities of the Passion Gospel narratives. The Passion has deepened the faith of millions of people by showing them that our Savior suffered with them. It has also been used to justify some of the worst atrocities in human history. This presentation will explore the nuances of the Passion by putting the Trial of Jesus into historical context. By understanding the history surrounding the Passion, we can deepen our faith by answering the eternal question, “What is truth?”

April 10: No Adult Forum (Palm Sunday and Bishop’s Visit)

April 17: No Adult Forum (Easter Sunday)

April 24: Rector’s Forum

Note: This will not be recorded. This is so people can speak more freely.