Bishop Jeffrey Lee is coming to St. Paul’s on Palm Sunday, April 10 for our 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist. He’ll preach and celebrate, and also officiate Holy Baptism and Confirmation, receive any Christians who want to become part of the Episcopal Church into our branch of the vine of Christ, and bless those who already are confirmed and/or received who choose to renew their commitment to Christ.
Even if you think we already know that you want to be baptized, confirmed, received, or have your commitment to Christ renewed, please take a moment to make it official: EVERYONE is invited to receive the bishop’s blessing through the laying on of hands by registering here!
Already vaccinated against sin and death through Baptism, got your Confirmation booster, and want a breakthrough case of the Holy Spirit? Sign up now! There’s no reason why anyone should be an observer and not a participant!
Once you’re registered, we’ll be in touch to help get you prepared for the big day. Let’s commit the entire congregation to Christ. The bishop is coming!