The Rev. Seth Raymond, Rector
Matt Pamperin, Senior Warden
Mary Ellen Hermann, Junior Warden

Steve Filmanowicz, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2026
Reggie Bryant, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2027

John Cain, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2027

Deme Hellwig, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2027

Adriana Rees, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2027

Jon Rauser, Term 1 of possible 2 ending January 2028

Peter Larson, Treasurer (non-voting)
Chris Krueger, Clerk (non-voting)

The Vestry is the council of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. In addition to transacting the temporal business of the church, the vestry works with the Rector, under the Bishop, to lead the congregation in the ministries of the church. Following the model of servant leadership, each member of the vestry is responsible for the effectiveness of our ministries, shaping and guiding them for the growth of the people of the congregation, and for our mission to the community beyond our walls. Members of the Vestry are also committed to personal growth as leaders and to ministering to one another in Christian community.

Vestry meetings are open to Members of the Parish, and normally are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room. If you plan to attend, please call the parish office first to confirm the time and place, which is subject to change.

The Vestry is an elected group, similar to an executive board for many other organizations. The Vestry has three primary responsibilities: to watch over parish finances (including stewardship, finances and spending, planned giving, and fundraising), look after the parish buildings (including improvement and construction), and to choose those who will fulfill positions of leadership and representation such as the rector, convention delegates, and others. The Vestry also acts as an advisory council to the rector of St. Paul’s.

The members of the Vestry are lay members of the church, elected at an annual parish meeting. Each member serves a 2- or 3-year term and must be a member of good standing in the parish. Members attend a monthly Vestry meeting, as well as other meetings and retreats.

Also at the annual meeting, the membership votes to elect a Senior and Junior Wardens. Wardens are the chief stewards and servants of the congregation who must serve as examples of faithful parish members and who do their best to donate their time, talent and treasure. Wardens fulfill a variety of responsibilities, depending on what the Vestry has delegated, the needs of the rector, the wardens’ own interests, etc. In almost all cases, the Wardens take charge of legal responsibilities for property and contracts, fiduciary concerns and congregational interests.

The annual parish meeting is held over lunch on the last Sunday in January.