TERM 1 ending January 2023, renewable once

Date of Arrival: November 2019

Other Churches Attended: 

Participation in St Paul’s Ministries:

  • Lectoring, including Lessons and Carols
  • Lay Weeders, Outdoor Property Maintenance
  • Attendance at Adult Forum

Gifts Brought to the Vestry:

Consideration, Patience, Lifelong Involvement in the Church, Enthusiasm, Welcoming Nature, Adeptness in Logistics and Processes

Biographical Information:

I have lived the majority of my life growing up in Saint Charles, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago with my parents and two younger siblings. With my mother both a chaplain & pastor and my father being the pastor of our home congregation, I have always been very involved in our church’s life. Whether that was learning in Confirmation or the High School Youth Group, then shepherding Sunday School and Confirmation, or leading the Acting and Drama team of our Vacation Bible School. The largest direct impact I have had on a church body was assisting my mother to found a congregation in a Northern Illinois town and establishing a Food Pantry and Bread Giving Ministry there. I am excited to get involved like this at St Paul’s!

In recent years, I’ve focused on both my education and my relationship with Nicole Hanlon. I was a student at Iowa State University studying Mechanical Engineering from 2014-2018. While there I was an active member of the Lutheran fraternity Beta Sigma Psi and served as their recording secretary, events planner, and social chair. In 2018, Nicole and I moved together to my hometown of St Charles, IL and in November of 2019, we both moved again to Milwaukee. With the move came professional opportunities for Nicole and I returned to classes, this time at Milwaukee School of Engineering, studying Industrial Engineering. It did not take us long to find Saint Paul’s in the downtown and we have been committed ever since. While the pandemic kept us separated for a time, Nicole and I have again become active in the St. Paul’s community in the summer of 2021. 

Future of Saint Paul’s: 

I personally see the future of Saint Paul’s to be one of open doors where members of the local community can expect to have a place to belong and feel comfortable attending, both while in service and throughout the week. Saint Paul’s can be a foundation for the local community to grow upon if given the right opportunities. Being present in locals’ everyday lives is a key way to offer them the hope of God’s word. We should look to create opportunities for the surrounding community to experience the presence of God’s love through St Paul’s and our members.